Blog · Misconceptions · Not too personal · Old blog

Misconception #4: The imaginary friend

I was talking to a friend on Facebook a while ago about his dream job and what he would want to do. He told me that he hasn’t got the courage to do it because, he said, people will make fun of him, regardless if he will fail or not. He has a twisted view of the world, it seems.

A lot of people have the same problem. Since we were kids, parents and other children say to you that you are not the best, that there will always be someone smarter, faster or with a better education. In my opinion, this is not the way to educate your children or to support your friends.

For me, this was not the case. My mother and my grandparents always supported me to such extent that I thought I am perfect (not that today that isn’t the case anymore). But the most important was my imaginary friend. Although I was a shy kid (and I am still a little shy).quote-Lee-Ryan-i-still-have-imaginary-friends-who-i-211749

I had an imaginary friend who listened to every dream that I couldn’t share with anyone. I used to tell stories to my friends when I was little, but my imaginary friend was the one who loved them all. Continue reading “Misconception #4: The imaginary friend”

Not too personal · Old blog

How can I help you today?

Despite what everyone is saying, that I shouldn`t give free advice/help anymore and that I should try to sell myself better, I decided to offer my help to anyone in need for FREE.

My inspiration comes from reading (partially until now) the book of Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn co-founder) called “The Start-up of You“. By reading this, I came to the conclusion that what has defined me over the years wasn`t my knowledge of a field or another, wasn`t my degrees or different skills, but, in fact, it was my interaction with people. I have always loved to help everyone, never saying “no” to a friend needing help or asking a question. Continue reading “How can I help you today?”

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Tweeting my Facebook!

I had the opportunity during the summer to go to Beijing for the 2nd YPARD China Conference. It was a weeklong trip, got to see some tourist sites (although I`m not really the touristy type), meet some great people and reconnect with others.

I gave a few speeches, had meetings with a few Heads of CAAS (the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences). But the best part of my trip wasn`t either of these. It was the social media training that I was asked to give to the YPARD China team.

There are a few differences between what social media means in China and what does it mean in the rest of the world. If you can`t connect through a VPN, you don`t have access to major networks like Facebook for example. But similarities exist and I did my best to find and explain them properly. Add it goes on

Old blog

#SocialMedia for Higher Education: universities that innovate

Yesterday, I wrote an article about the advantages that researchers might have if they use social media and if my proposal for a Master programme in Digital Agricultural Communications at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, University of Liege would be taken into consideration. Continue reading “#SocialMedia for Higher Education: universities that innovate”

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#TOCS2013 highlights: from #WebUsability to Revamps and #SocialMedia

From Day 1 the discussions at the Technical Online Communications Workshop (or #TOCS2013 as you can find us on Twitter) organized by the CGIAR Consortium and Bioversity International the discussions have been very intense. From social media strategies, tools we moved on to pliers, analytics, plugins and extensions, depending on the CMS-es (Joomla, Drupal, WordPress, Liferay or, the preferred one: DroomlaPress-the only CMS that has it all) that each of us uses on a daily basis. Continue reading “#TOCS2013 highlights: from #WebUsability to Revamps and #SocialMedia”